How-Tos(day): Keep Herbs Fresh with These Storage and Usage Tips

Keep herbs fresh and learn a bunch of storage tips and uses with this How-Tos(day) video post…

The Ultimate Plant-Powerful Dairy-Free Milk Guide

There truly are infinite possibilities when it comes to a plant-based diet and milk is no exception. I show YU all the options with pretty step-by-step photo help…

How To’sday: Popping Amaranth

I’m sure by now that everyone knows about quinoa around here. You can make everything from cereal to tacos with it, but are you familiar with another ancient powerhouse grain called Amaranth? Well, like quinoa, it’s also a fantastic source of complete plant-based protein but it is also high in lysine which is known to help promote collagen growth, accelerate tissue repair and it keeps cold sores at bay. These tiny powerhouse seeds are a great source of fiber and they are just as versatile for cookin’ as our friend quinoa. And you can pop it like popcorn. That’s right, teeny tiny popcorn. I’ve made a How To’sday video to show you how it’s done.

Sprouting 101

I have a few posts on the site that walk you through the benefits and steps involved for soaking and sprouting, but I have a feeling many of you are still intimidated by it, so I made a little video (after the jump) to show you how ridiculously easy it is. 2012 is the year you will take on sprouting! I know YU can do it.

Soaking and Dehydrating Nuts, Legumes, Grains and Seeds

Soaking Nuts

Nuts are packed with healthy fats, protein and minerals, but to get that all good stuff assimilated into your body, it is recommended that you prepare your nuts by soaking them. See, nuts and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors to keep them from sprouting until nature delivers the sun and rain that they need to grow. Have you heard people, maybe even yourself, say “nuts are hard on my stomach”? Well, this is why. By soaking nuts and seeds, enzyme inhibitors are neutralized, the beneficial enzymes are activated and the vitamin content increases. Soaking nuts and seeds makes them easier to digest and the nutrients more easily absorbed.